Not really done... but I have an Idea


So what am I thinking to do for this project? Well, currently I have germinated and successfully grown a mango sapling tree out of spite so something plant related would be good. I was thinking of probably doing something that is related to the process of repotting to make things easier, maybe a biodegradable pot from the slice as the material can be cardboard. So the sapling or plant can be placed and grown within the object and then later transferred once it reaches a sufficient size. or maybe a slice that allows one of my plants, which is basically a hanging vine to grow freely in a sense so it looks pretty. Overall something plant-related most likely.  

I know biodegradable pots already exist so looking at their flaws and manipulating them according to the project could be a challenge. Either that or just making a form that holds both soil and the weight of water + weathering due to the water might be the challenge.

Later today I will probably add more to this blog but for now, I have a concept I can branch some things off of. 
Very quick concept sketches


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