Hehe I shouldnt have done this.


Hi, I'm pretty tired and it's 7:50ish am so if my grammar sucks and such then you know why. Here's my pattern thingy that is based on a whole bunch of things, swords, various different types of architecture, a flower, and some other things too. 

*Before we start off I would like to say that the amount of pain that the flowers gave me makes me question whether or not I should've even put them in the pattern in the first place however they kinda look cool and add some organic contrast to the geometric sharp shapes.*

In the beginning, it was 5 PM...

So with limited time and my ADHD going full speed, I did everything I thought of and could within around a 16 hour(ish) period. So here's some of the concepts and ideas I took from.

So right now I'm a bit dizzy so I'll start off with the in life inspirations which include mainly just repetitions and like some perspective foreground-background spiel. I already had something in mind I wanted to do is kinda like how above temples or maybe like a tapestry there would be a belt of people doing some sort of thing telling a story however that requires a bit more thought than what I did here. Being a mess of ideas. 

So I wanted a bit of art nouveau type of feel so I wanted to add some sort of natural element but then I was like I really want to do a pattern of swords because their shape is so intriguing and malleable. But then I was thinking of doing something similar to religious buildings with their patterning then started to think of the layout of some churches and stuff. 

A side thought that kinda influenced the design was from this one analysis video I was watching on one of the Eurovision song winners about how long the intro was and music theory stuff like that. And one thing that stuck with me was when they said something (though I forget the exact term) along the lines of letting the music breathe by having moments of silence. I feel like that would go well with patterns in general as I generally hate patterns. Chaos is woop or whatever but after a while, it becomes too much, and with patterns, unless that's what you're going for it can be a bit too much visual stimulation. I didn't really do that with this project but I kinda did it with the colours.

I could change the colours so that when you look at it doesn't merge as much but vivid colours arent really my thing unless there's something cool going on.

Designing stuff

In all realness the first thing I did was make the flower design because it was what I felt most comfortable with to begin with. Though I based it off of that flower I edited and tweaked a few things. One of the main attributes of the flower is that its a succulent orchid but here its just some flowery fantasy thing going on. Another thing is the design of the petals is a bit more similar to that of a radiata lycoris (red spider lily)

The first design had this weird thing going on but it kinda felt too similar to that example from last year on the obdf website so I tried to make it different. However, it was kinda hard considering how patterns being symmetrical you can only vary in so many ways in terms of visual placements. This felt more like some sort of crest or something and the final still kinda feels that way. 

I wanted to add some blades or something as an array of them would be cool. I was thinking instead of doing a 1/4 of a pattern then folding it I would do something like a 1/16 but that's for someone else to do. 

The final design I kinda made a scythe thing going on. It kinda reminded me of a flying buttress or something but I could be lying.

Problems and such.

to summarize, there are too many close shapes in the flowers that my head would sometimes have a hard time keeping track on what was going on in there. The number of commands needed to do a single petal increased depending on the surrounding petals. This process was not made for this application it feels, either that or I'm very inefficient with doing this thing. Either way, it would take around 30 min to do this flower. I did 2 separate ones and then mirrored and turned one so I did less work. I would do it again but the even numbers made the composition feel weird. 

Overall I'd say it's not my best work, I kinda wanted to include figures within it so that there would be some cool element. I was going to write something about the patterns and semiotics and stuff but this feels like I've talked too much already and I'm tired. 


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